Sunday, July 12, 2009


Kansas is definitely not flat. It isn't as bad as what my friend Dave has told me but it definitely isn't flat. We rode into Lawrence, Kansas after a brisk 92 miles. This ride was amazing. Sean, Miranda and I rode the last 20 miles at an awesome speed of 23 miles per hour the whole way. Even on the inclines! Everyone did great on the last 20 miles. Sean, Miranda and I treated our selves to a nice treat at the local Sonic. We learned that through the local Habitat site, which we built with, worked a deal with the Marriott where we got to stay for 3 nights. A queen size bed for 3 nights = AMAZING!!!!! We also had a great dinner at Johnie's. It was a tavern with delicious flat bread pizza. You should go if you are ever in Lawrence. Just look for "Johnie's Tavern Across the River". You can even mail him stuff with that as his address. There was this amazing picture of the Tour de France where some bicyclists are actually smoking. Kinda funny.
We worked with the local Habitat site for 2 days. We were able to put on the entire roof over these 2 days. We had an amazing time working with the site manager but more exciting was the fact we got to work alongside with the family. The father of the family works for the sanitation department for the town and part of his route went right by the house. It was cool when this big old truck pulled up to the house and he got to show off the progress done to his friends he was working with.

After the build days we rode to Manhattan, KS. The little apple as we like to call it. It was nice little community. We got to stay in a nice gym and was served an amazing dinner by some of the church wives and breakfast by the church husbands. Part of me wonders if there was a little competition between the two. Dinner was great but breakfast was amazing. What can I say, guys like to add butter. Lots of butter.

We then rode to Beloit, KS where we rode by an amazing sunrise. By far the best I have ever seen in my life. We woke up at 4:30 that morning. I was saying we should wake up at that time from now on but no one agreed with me. We stayed in the catholic church's high school. It was a mail drop and I got a DVD from a news station in West Virginia from a build day we had there. I will find a way to post it but it will be a bit of a trick. I will try my best tho.
We then started riding to Nebraska. I rode with Kate for the trip. We got to see two amazing things. First was the worlds largest ball of Sisal Twine. We even got to add on to it. The second was the exact center point of the United States.

This is where I will leave you. We cross into Colorado on Monday. I will try to update again tomorrow. Thank you so much Ann for the emails. I love hearing about what is going on back home. My prayers go out to the McNitt family. I love you all and will chat at ya later.


P.S. Check out the slideshow on my homepage.


  1. Love reading these!! Thanks for updating. Prayers being sent your way!! Be safe please.. haha. Man i sound like a done here. :]

  2. Hi Ryan, You look awesome!! Glad you are seeing our big country, (the slow way). Have you grown?? We really miss you. Can't wait to have you home with us. Think of you often. We are all great!
    Love, Karen (Christians mom)
